Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Eurekahedge Report - April 2013

Hedge funds posted positive returns in March, amid divergent trends in global markets. The benchmark Eurekahedge Hedge Fund index was up 0.69%1 while the MSCI World Index was up 1.76%2 over the month. Total assets under management were up by US$9.19 billion during March and the sector witnessed net positive asset flows of US$2.20 billion along with profits of US$6.99 billion through performance-based gains. The total size of the industry now stands at US$1.83 trillion.

Highlights of hedge fund performance and asset flows for the month are as follows:

March 2013US$ billion
Allocation (Inflows)
Redemption (Outflows)
Net Asset Flows
Positive Performance (Growth)
Negative Performance (Decline)
Overall Total

To read more, please see full Eurekahedge Report, also accessible on Scribd & Issuu.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hedge funds up in 1Q 2013, attract US$20 billion

Hedge funds posted positive returns in March amid mixed returns in global markets. The Eurekahedge Hedge Fund Index was up 0.71%1 during the month, while the MSCI World Index2 gained 1.76% in March.

Key takeaways for the month of March 2013:
  • Early reports indicate positive asset flows to hedge funds in March; 1Q 2013 witnessed positive asset flows of US$20 billion
  • Japanese hedge funds witnessed the strongest quarter on record, up 10.78% in 1Q 2013
  • Launch activity picks up in 2013 with nearly 200 funds launched so far in the year
  • Asia ex-Japan and European hedge funds outperformed underlying markets by 2.3% and 0.41% respectively
  • Distressed debt and event driven were the best performing strategies in 1Q 2013, up more than 5% each year-to-date
  • The asset-weighted Mizuho-Eurekahedge Asia ex-Japan Index grew 6.35% in 1Q 2013 
To read more, please see the full Eurekahedge Index Flash, also accessible on Scribd and Issuu.