Hedge funds posted their strongest January performance since 2006 amid rallying equity markets globally. The benchmark Eurekahedge Hedge Fund Index was up 2.32%1 while the MSCI World Index gained 4.66%2 over the month. Total assets under management were up by US$17.8 billion during December – the sector added performance-based gains of US$13.9 billion while also witnessing net positive asset flows of US$3.9 billion. The total size of the industry now stands at US$1.79 trillion.
Highlights of hedge fund performance and asset flows for the month are as follows:
January 2013 | US$ billion |
Allocation (Inflows) |
Redemption (Outflows) |
Net Asset Flows |
Positive Performance (Growth) |
Negative Performance (Decline) |
Total |
Overall Total |
To read more, please see full Eurekahedge Report, also accessible on Scribd & Issuu.